The purpose of the Deposit Insurance System is to protect the depositors and contribute, due to its objective, to the financial stability of the Argentine Republic.
The system currently in force in the Argentine Republic has the following features:
All the financial institutions that belong to the system have to make a monthly contribution to the Deposit Guarantee Fund as stated in the regulations.
The amounts necessary to assist entities undergoing difficult situations are collected in advance (ex-ante) through monthly contributions.
The current contributions amount to 0.015% of the average daily balance of the deposits in pesos and
foreign currency in the financial institutions plus an additional contribution depending on their degree
of risk as established by the Central Bank.
The system guarantees up to ARS 25.000.000 per person, account and deposit.
Since all the financial institutions that belong to the system have to make a monthly contribution to the Deposit Guarantee Fund as stated in the regulations.
Sums required addressing the problems of the institutions undergoing critical
situations are collected in advance (ex – ante) in the form of monthly contributions.
The current contributions amount to 0.015% of the average daily balance of the deposits in pesos and
foreign currency in the financial institutions plus an additional contribution depending on their degree
of risk as established by the Central Bank.
The system guarantees up to ARS 25.000.000 per person, account and deposit.
The following deposits, in pesos and foreign currency, made in participating institutions are covered by the system:
– Checking accounts
– Sight account opened in Cooperative Credit Accounts
– Savings accounts
– Fixed term deposit (see reference rate)
– Payroll/social security and special accounts
– Term investments
– Fixed asset balances arising from the above items
The following deposits, in pesos and foreign currency, constituted with participating institutions are covered by the system:
– Checking accounts
– Sight account opened in Cooperative Credit Accounts
– Savings accounts
– Fixed term deposit (see reference rate)
– Payroll/social security and special accounts
– Term investments
– Fixed balance from the previous items
The guarantee shall include the reimbursement of the capital deposited, interests, updates by the application of the Reference Stabilization Rate (“CER”) in the deposits of Purchasing Power Units – Law 25827 (“UVA”) and by the construction cost index for Gran Buenos Aires (“ICC”) in the deposits of Dwelling Units – Law 27271 (“UVI”)-, and the quotation differences, as the case may be, accrued until the authorization’s revocation date to operate or until the date of the entity’s suspension pursuant to Section 49 of the Charter of the BCRA. The total amount guaranteed to a person, per accumulation of accounts and deposits covered by the system, according to the regulatory framework in force, shall not exceed the limit of ARS25.000.000. In the accounts in name of two or more persons, the guarantee shall not exceed the same limit, regardless the number of depositors; this amount will be proportionally distributed among them.
The guarantee shall include the reimbursement of the capital deposited, interests, updates –by the application of the Reference Stabilization Rate (CER) in the deposits of Purchasing Power Units – Law 25.827 (UVA) and by the construction cost index for Gran Buenos Aires (ICC) in the deposits of Dwelling Units – Law 27.271 (UVI)-, and the quotation differences, as the case may be, accrued until the authorization’s revocation date to operate or until the date of the entity’s suspension pursuant to Section 49 of the Charter of the BCRA. The total amount guaranteed to a person, per accumulation of accounts and deposits covered by the system, according to the regulatory framework in force, shall not exceed the limit of ARS 25.000.000. In the accounts in name of two or more persons, the guarantee shall not exceed the same limit, regardless the number of depositors; this amount will be proportionally distributed among them.
Prior to the settlement of the guarantee, SEDESA may request depositors to justify the origin and availability of the funds deposited by the receipts evidencing the authenticity thereof and/or the verification of the effective inflow of the funds in the institution regarding every transaction governed by the regime. Furthermore, SEDESA shall file the pertinent complaint when it observes irregularities or a criminal offense leading to the improper collection of the guarantee.
SEDESA may reject or postpone, until its judicial examination, the coverage request by the application of this guarantee regime when deposits do not meet the requirements established by the applicable rules or when depositors do not bear titles that are valid as to the form and content.
Prior to the settlement of the guarantee, SEDESA may request depositors to justify the origin and availability of the funds deposited by the receipts evidencing the authenticity thereof and/or the verification of the effective inflow of the funds in the institution regarding every transaction governed by the regime. Furthermore, SEDESA shall file the pertinent complaint when it observes irregularities or a criminal offense leading to the improper collection of the guarantee.
SEDESA may reject or postpone, until its judicial examination, the coverage request by the application of this guarantee regime when deposits do not meet the requirements established by the applicable rules or when depositors do not bear titles that are valid as to the form and content.
-Transferable time deposits and investments on paper whose ownership has been acquired by endorsement, even if the last endorsee is the original depositor.
– Sight deposits in which interest rates above reference rate are agreed and deposits and long term investments above 1.3 times that rate or the reference rate plus 5 percentage points– the higher of both -.
-They will be excluded when interest rate limits are distorted by incentives or additional retributions.
-Deposits of financial institutions with other intermediaries, including time deposits and investments acquired through secondary trading.
-Deposits made by persons directly or indirectly related to the institution according to the guidelines defined in point 2.2. of the rules on “Credit Risk Division”.
-Fixed term deposits securities, acceptances or guarantees.
-Fixed balances coming from deposits and other excluded operations and such other deposits as may be excluded in the future by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.
– Transferable time deposits and investments on paper whose ownership has been acquired by endorsement, even if the last endorsee is the original depositor.
– Sight deposits in which interest rates above reference rate are agreed and deposits and long term investments above 1.3 times that rate or the reference rate plus 5 percentage points –the higher of both-.
– They will be excluded when interest rate limits are distorted by incentives or additional retributions.
– Deposits of financial institutions with other intermediaries, including time deposits and investments acquired through secondary trading.
– Deposits made by persons directly or indirectly related to the institution according to the guidelines defined in point 2.2. of the rules on “Credit Risk Division”.
– Fixed term deposits securities, acceptances or guarantees.
– Fixed balances from deposits and other excluded operations and such other deposits as may be excluded in the future by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.
– Deposits and term investments executed through electronic certificates for time deposits and investments (CEDIP) that are transmitted from the date on which the issuing financial institution is included in any of the cases set forth in sections 49 of the BCRA charter or 35 bis of the Law on Financial Institutions.
The Reference Rate is used to determine the exclusion of the guarantee from transactions in which interest rates higher than the Reference Rate are agreed upon.
For more information on the Reference Rate visit:
EThe regulatory framework of the Deposit Insurance System in Argentina is established by:
The regulatory framework of the Deposit Insurance System in Argentina is established by:
Acquiring Institutions: A healthy bank or financial institution that purchases some or all of the assets and assumes some or all of the liabilities of a failed institution in a purchase and assumption transaction.
Advance Payment: A payment made to uninsured depositors or creditors after a bank failure to meet their liquidity
Adverse selection: The tendency for higher-risk banks to opt for deposit insurance and lower-risk banks to opt-out of deposit insurance when membership in a deposit insurance system is voluntary.
Aggregation: To collect compiling information from depositors’ different several accounts into one for managing needs (usually for the purpose of reimbursement).
Amalgamation: A combination under a single entity of all or part of the assets and liabilities of two or more business units by either merger (where one company absorbs another) or consolidation (where the original companies form a new one).
Assessment Base: The base on which the deposit insurer to charge premium or to calculate the levy needed to compensate the insured depositors.
Asset Purchases: A buyout strategy in which certain specific assets of a target institution are purchased.
Bank Insolvency: When a bank can no longer pay any financial obligation when due.
Bank run: A rapid loss of deposits precipitated by fear on the part of the public that a bank may fail and depositors may suffer losses.
Blanket Guarantee: A declaration by the government that all deposits and perhaps other financial instruments will be protected.
Benchmark: A standard or guideline to which other items or processes can be compared.
Bridge bank: A temporary bank established and operated to acquire the assets and assume the liabilities of a failed institution until final resolution can be accomplished.
Claim: An assertion of the indebtedness of a failed institution to a depositor, general creditor, subordinated debt holder, or shareholder.
Coinsurance: An arrangement whereby depositors are insured for a pre-specified portion, less than 100 percent of their deposits.
Collateralisation: The taking of a mortgage, pledge, charge or other form of security by a creditor over one or more
assets of a debtor.
Compulsory System: A deposit insurance system that all targeted institutions must participate in to be member institutions according to law or agreement.
Conservator: A person or an organization that has been legally chosen to control the finances or property of another person, company, or organization.
Conservatorship: The legal procedure provided by statute for the interim management of financial institutions.
Contagion: The spread of an individual bank run to several other financial institutions.
Corporate governance: The system of rules, practices and processes by which an organization is directed, administered or controlled, and includes the relationships among stakeholders and the goals for which the organisation is governed.
Coverage Ratio (by account): A measure of all depositors that would be fully protected in case of an insured institution failure.
Coverage Ratio (by value): Ratio of insured deposits divided by total insurable deposits.
Covered Item: Accounts and financial products which are at insured institutions and covered by the deposit insurer.
Debt Management: The control of maturities, timing, quantum and composition of debt by a business.
Deposit Insurance: Deposit insurance is a system established to protect depositors against the loss of their deposits in the event an insured institution of the deposit insurer is unable to meet its obligations to depositors. Similar terms such as deposit guarantee or deposit protection are used in some countries.
Deposit Payout: A resolution method for failed institutions that involves the reimbursement of deposits and the transfer of the bank’s assets to a receiver for liquidation.
Depositor Priority: The granting of preferential treatment to depositors so that their claims must be paid in full before remaining creditors can collect on their claims (same as depositor preference).
Differential Premium: A levy on a bank assessed on the basis of that bank’s risk profile (also called Risk-Adjusted Differential Premium).
Disclosure: A fact, condition, or description that is revealed clearly and publicly.
Due Diligence: A potential purchaser’s on-site inspection of books and records of a failing institution.
Enterprise Risk Management: The framework applied on an organization-wide basis to ensure and demonstrate that an entity?significant risks are being consistently and continuously identified, assessed, managed, monitored and reported on.
Ex-ante funding: The accumulation of a fund to cover deposit insurance claims in anticipation of the failure of an insured bank.
Ex-post funding: An assessment levied after the failure of a insured bank to provide funds to cover deposit insurance claims.
Financial Assistance: Economic assistance provided by unrelated third parties, typically government agencies or deposit insurers. They may take the form of loans, guarantees, subsidies, tax allowance, contribution, or cost-sharing arrangements.
Financial Safety Net: A financial stability mechanism that usually comprises the deposit insurance function, prudential regulation and supervision, and as well as the lender-of-last-resort function.
Flat – Rate Premium: A premium assessed at a uniform rate across all insured institutions.
Forbearance: To grant an extension of time to certain distressed banks from minimum regulatory requirements.
Foreign bank: A foreign-bank subsidiary is incorporated as a separate entity in the host country. A foreign-bank
branch, on the other hand, is an extension of the foreign bank itself into a host country. Foreign-bank branches and subsidiaries may be subject to different rules and supervised differently by a host country.
Hybrid Funding: A funding method used by the deposit insurers by combining both the ex-ante and ex-post funding mechanisms.
Indemnification: In general, a collateral contract or assurance under which one person agrees to secure another person against either anticipated financial losses or potential adverse legal consequences.
Indexed Coverage: The limited coverage level determined by the inflation rate of a country.
Insured Deposits: Types of deposits that are covered by a deposit insurance system.
Internal-Control System: A system of objectives and controls designed to provide for the safeguarding of assets
and the reliability of financial records.
Interrelationship: Relationships among deposit insurers and other financial safety players and their collaboration through allocation of powers and responsibilities, information sharing, and the co-ordination of actions to promote financial stability.
Islamic Banking Business: Banking business in line with the principles of the Shariah, the law of Islam based upon the Quran, Sunnah (sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad), s.a.w. Ijma’ (consensus of Muslim scholars) and Qiyas (analogy).
Least-Cost Resolution: A procedure that requires the deposit insurer or other designated entity to implement the resolution alternative that is determined to be less costly to the system than all other resolution alternatives, including the liquidation of the failed bank.
Lender-of-last-resort function: The provision of liquidity to the financial system by a central bank. Limited- coverage deposit insurance – A guarantee that the principal and the interest accrued on protected deposit accounts will be paid up to a specified limit.
Limited-Coverage Deposit Insurance: A guarantee that the principal and/or the interest accrued on protected deposit accounts will be paid up to a specified limit.
Liquidation: The winding down of the business affairs and operations of a failed insured depository institutions through the orderly disposition of its assets after it has been placed in receivership.
Loss Sharing: A method in a purchase and assumption transaction in which the receiver agrees to share with the acquirer losses on certain types of loans. Loss sharing may be offered by the receiver in connection with the sale of classified or non-performing loans that otherwise might not be sold to an acquirer at the time of resolution.
Mandate: A mandate is a set of official instructions or statement of purpose of a firm or an organization.
Market discipline: A situation where depositors or creditors assess the risk characteristics of a bank and act upon such assessments to deposit or withdraw funds from a bank.
Maximum Coverage: The amount a depositor can claim from the deposit insurer in the event of bank failures. See also “Limited-Coverage Deposit Insurance”.
Moral hazard: The incentive for additional risk taking that is often present in insurance agreements and arises from the fact that parties to the agreement are protected against loss.
Netting/netting arrangements: This refers to the reduction of an accountholder’s insured deposits by the amount of outstanding loans in a failed institution or the reduction of an accountholder’s outstanding loans by the amount of deposits above the coverage limit.
On-Site Appraisal: An essential part of the banking supervisory process undertaken by authorities. The appraisals include examinations of books, records and internal controls to financial institutions.
Open-bank assistance: A resolution method in which an insured bank in danger of failing receives assistance in the form of a direct loan, an assisted merger, a purchase of assets, or other means.
Pay box: A deposit insurer with powers limited to paying out the claims of depositors.
Prompt Corrective Action: A supervisory action to provide a timely and non-discretionary triggering mechanism for early intervention of problem financial institutions.
Purchase-and-assumption transaction (sales): A resolution method in which a healthy bank or group of investors assume some or all of the obligations, and purchase some or all of the assets of the failed bank.
Rebate: The return of part of a payment, representing some deduction from the full amount previously paid.
Receiver: The legal entity that undertakes the winding down of the affairs of an insolvent bank.
Receivership: The legal procedure for winding down the affairs of an insolvent institution.
Recover Rate: The ratio of net collections to the book-value of an institution’s assets.
Recovery: The amount of net collections of a bank?s assets.
Regulatory discipline: Governs the establishment of new banks; qualifications of directors and managers;
business activities; change of control; and standards for risk-management, internal controls, and external audits.
Reinsurance: The assumption by another party of part or all of the risk held by the deposit insurer.
Resolution: The disposition plan for a failed institution.
Resolution Costs: For a given resolution method, the sum of the expenditures and obligations incurred, including any immediate or long- term obligations and any direct or contingent liabilities for future payment, net of recoveries
on assets of the failed bank.
Risk Minimier/Risk Manager: A deposit insurer with the powers to reduce the risks it faces. These powers may include the ability to control entry and exit from the deposit insurance system, assess and manage its own risks and may conduct examinations of banks, or request such examinations.
Set-off: Refers to situations where the claim of a creditor in an insolvent bank (for example, a deposit) is deducted from a claim of the bank against the creditor (for example, a loan).
Situational analysis: An examination that policymakers undertake to assess factors such as: the state of the economy; current monetary and fiscal policies; the state and structure of the banking system; public attitudes and expectations; the state of the legal, prudential regulatory and supervisory; accounting and disclosure regimes.
Start-up Funding: The fund received by a newly established deposit insurance system by initial contributions from banks, government, and/or the central bank.
Strategic Planning: The process of developing and setting the strategic direction and actions to accomplish the vision and goals of an organisation.
Subordinated Debt: A debt instrument that ranks lower than another instrument in the priority of its claim on the issuer’s assets.
Subrogation: The process where a deposit insurer is substituted as the claimant for the insured deposits paid by a
deposit insurer.
Supervisory discipline: Requires that banks are monitored for safety and soundness as well as compliance issues and that corrective actions are taken promptly, including the closure of a bank when necessary.
Suspense account: A suspense account is used when not enough information is available to post a transaction with the right offset. For example, dividends and interest are ?paid? to a trust account on their payable date even if all of the money from depositors and paying agents is not received on time.
Systemic risk: A risk that has implications for the general health of the financial system and can have serious adverse implications for financial stability and overall economic conditions.
Target Ratio: The level for the deposit insurance fund expressed as a percentage of total or insured deposits.
Termination of Deposit Insurance: The right of a deposit insurer to terminate the status as an insured institution if it doesn’t meet some specific qualifications set by the insurer.
Too Big to Fail: The practice of protecting uninsured depositors, creditors, and others from loss when large banks fail in order to prevent from the occurrence of a systemic risk.
Uninsured Deposit: Types of deposits that are not covered by a deposit insurance system.
Voluntary System: A deposit insurance system that a targeted institution has the right to decide to participate in as a member.
Withheld Deposits: Deposits that are temporarily suspended to be paid by the deposit insurer due to lack of enough information. See also “Suspense Account”.
Working Capital: the current funds available to administer the deposit insurance function.
Workout: The making of special repayment arrangements in light of likely or actual default on a loan
Accquiring Institutions: A healthy bank or financial institution that purchases some or all of the assets and assumes some or all of the liabilities of a failed institution in a purchase and assumption transaction.
Advance Payment: A payment made to uninsured depositors or creditors after a bank failure to meet their liquidity
Adverse selection: The tendency for higher-risk banks to opt for deposit insurance and lower-risk banks to opt-out of deposit insurance when membership in a deposit insurance system is voluntary.
Aggregation: To collect compiling information from depositors’ different several accounts into one for managing needs (usually for the purpose of reimbursement).
Amalgamation: A combination under a single entity of all or part of the assets and liabilities of two or more business units by either merger (where one company absorbs another) or consolidation (where the original companies form a new one).
Assessment Base: The base on which the deposit insurer to charge premium or to calculate the levy needed to compensate the insured depositors.
Asset Purchases: A buyout strategy in which certain specific assets of a target institution are purchased.
Accquiring Institutions: A healthy bank or financial institution that purchases some or all of the assets and assumes some or all of the liabilities of a failed institution in a purchase and assumption transaction.
Advance Payment: A payment made to uninsured depositors or creditors after a bank failure to meet their liquidity
Adverse selection: The tendency for higher-risk banks to opt for deposit insurance and lower-risk banks to opt-out of deposit insurance when membership in a deposit insurance system is voluntary.
Aggregation: To collect compiling information from depositors’ different several accounts into one for managing needs (usually for the purpose of reimbursement).
Amalgamation: A combination under a single entity of all or part of the assets and liabilities of two or more business units by either merger (where one company absorbs another) or consolidation (where the original companies form a new one).
Assessment Base: The base on which the deposit insurer to charge premium or to calculate the levy needed to compensate the insured depositors.
Asset Purchases: A buyout strategy in which certain specific assets of a target institution are purchased.
Bank Insolvency: When a bank can no longer pay any inancial obligation when due.
Bank run: A rapid loss of deposits precipitated by fear on the part of the public that a bank may fail and depositors may suffer losses.
Blanket Guarantee: A declaration by the government that all deposits and perhaps other financial instruments will be protected.
Benchmark: A standard or guideline to which other items or processes can be compared.
Bridge bank: A temporary bank established and operated to acquire the assets and assume the liabilities of a failed institution until final resolution can be accomplished.
Claim: An assertion of the indebtedness of a failed institution to a depositor, general creditor, subordinated debt holder, or shareholder.
Coinsurance: An arrangement whereby depositors are insured for a pre-specified portion, less than 100 percent of their deposits.
Collateralisation: The taking of a mortgage, pledge, charge or other form of security by a creditor over one or more
assets of a debtor.
Compulsory System: A deposit insurance system that all targeted institutions must participate in to be member institutions according to law or agreement.
Conservator: A entity is given the authority to act the legal procedure provided by statute for the interim management of financial institutions.
Conservatorship: The legal procedure provided by statute for the interim management of financial institutions.
Contagion: The spread of an individual bank run to several other financial institutions.
Corporate governance: The system by which an organization is directed, administered or controlled, and includes the relationships among stakeholders and the goals for which the organisation is governed.
Coverage Ratio (by account): A measure of all depositors that would be fully protected in case of an insured institution failure.
Coverage Ratio (by value): Ratio of insured deposits divided by total insurable deposits.
Covered Item: Accounts and financial products which are at insured institutions and covered by the deposit insurer.
Debt Management: The control of maturities, timing, quantum and composition of debt by a business.
Deposit Insurance: Deposit insurance is a system established to protect depositors against the loss of their deposits in the event a insured institution of the deposit insurer is unable to meet its obligations to depositors. Similar terms such as deposit guarantee or deposit protection are used in some countries.
Deposit Payout: A resolution method for failed institutions that involves the reimbursement of deposits and the transfer of the bank’s assets to a receiver for liquidation.
Depositor priority: The granting of preferential treatment to depositors such that their claims must be paid in full before remaining creditors can collect on their claims (same as depositor preference).
Differential Premium: A levy on a bank assessed on the basis of that bank’s risk profile (also called Risk-Adjusted Differential Premium).
Disclosure: A fact, condition, or description that is revealed clearly and publicly.
Due Diligence: A potential purchaser’s on-site inspection of books and records of a failing institution.
Enterprise Risk Management: The framework applied on an organization-wide basis to ensure and demonstrate that an entity?significant risks are being consistently and continuously identified, assessed, managed, monitored and reported on.
Ex-ante funding: The accumulation of a fund to cover deposit insurance claims in anticipation of the failure of a insured bank.
Ex-post funding: An assessment levied after the failure of a insured bank to provide funds to cover deposit insurance claims.
Financial Assistance: Economic assistance provided by unrelated third parties, typically government agencies or deposit insurers. They may take the form of loans, guarantees, subsidies, tax allowance, contribution, or cost-sharing arrangements.
Financial safety net: A financial stability mechanism that usually comprises the deposit insurance function, prudential regulation and supervision, and the lender-of-last-resort function.
Flat – Rate Premium: A premium assessed at a uniform rate across all insured institutions.
Forbearance: To grant an extension of time to certain distressed banks from minimum regulatory requirements.
Foreign bank: A foreign-bank subsidiary is incorporated as a separate entity in the host country. A foreign-bank
branch, on the other hand, is an extension of the foreign bank itself into a host country. Foreign-bank branches and subsidiaries may be subject to different rules and supervised differently by a host country.
Hybrid Funding: A funding method used by the deposit insurers by combining both the ex-ante and ex-post funding mechanisms.
Indemnification: In general, a collateral contract or assurance under which one person agrees to secure another person against either anticipated financial losses or potential adverse legal consequences.
Indexed Coverage: The limited coverage level determined by the inflation rate of a country.
Insured Deposits: Types of deposits that are covered by a deposit insurance system.
Internal-Control System: A system of objectives and controls designed to provide for the safeguarding of assets
and the reliability of financial records.
Interrelationship: Relationships among deposit insurers and other financial safety players and their collaboration through allocation of powers and responsibilities, information sharing, and the co-ordination of actions to promote financial stability.
Islamic Banking Business: Banking business in line with the principles of the Shariah, the law of Islam based upon the Quran, Sunnah (sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad), s.a.w. Ijma’ (consensus of Muslim scholars) and Qiyas (analogy).
Least-cost resolution: A procedure that requires the deposit insurer or other designated entity to implement the resolution alternative that is determined to be less costly to the system than all other resolution alternatives, including the liquidation of the failed bank.
Lender-of-last-resort function: The provision of liquidity to the financial system by a central bank. Limited- coverage deposit insurance – A guarantee that the principal and the interest accrued on protected deposit accounts will be paid up to a specified limit.
Limited-Coverage Deposit Insurance: A guarantee that the principal and/or the interest accrued on protected deposit accounts will be paid up to a specified limit.
Liquidation: The winding down of the business affairs and operations of a failed insured depository institutions through the orderly disposition of its assets after it has been placed in receivership.
Loss Sharing: A method in a purchase and assumption transaction in which the receiver agrees to share with the acquirer losses on certain types of loans. Loss sharing may be offered by the receiver in connection with the sale of classified or no performing loans that otherwise might not be sold to an acquirer at the time of resolution.
Mandate: A mandate is a set of official instructions or statement of purpose of a firm or an organization.
Market discipline: A situation where depositors or creditors assess the risk characteristics of a bank and act upon such assessments to deposit or withdraw funds from a bank.
Maximum Coverage: The amount a depositor can claim from the deposit insurer in the event of bank failures. See also “Limited-Coverage Deposit Insurance”.
Moral hazard: The incentive for additional risk taking that is often present in insurance contracts and arises from the fact thatparties to the contract are protected against loss.
Netting/netting arrangements: This term refers to the reduction of an accountholder’s insured deposits by the amount of outstanding loans in a failed institution or the reduction of an accountholder’s outstanding loans by the amount of deposits above the coverage limit.
On-Site Appraisal: An essential part of the banking supervisory process undertaken by authorities. The appraisals include examinations of books, records and internal controls to financial institutions.
Open-bank assistance: A resolution method in which an insured bank in danger of failing receives assistance in the form of a direct loan, an assisted merger, a purchase of assets, or other means.
Pay box: A deposit insurer with powers limited to paying out the claims of depositors.
Prompt Corrective Action: A supervisory action to provide a timely and non-discretionary triggering mechanism for early intervention of problem financial institutions.
Purchase-and-assumption transaction (sales): A resolution method in which a healthy bank or group of investors assume some or all of the obligations, and purchase some or all of the assets of the failed bank.
Rebate: The return of part of a payment, representing some deduction from the full amount previously paid.
Receiver: The legal entity that undertakes the winding down of the affairs of an insolvent bank.
Receivership: The legal procedure for winding down the affairs of an insolvent institution.
Recover Rate: The ratio of net collections to the book-value of an institution’s assets.
Recovery: The amount of net collections of a bank?s assets.
Regulatory Discipline: It governs the establishment of new banks, qualifications of directors and managers,
business activities. change of control, and standards for risk-management, internal controls, and external audits.
Reinsurance: The assumption by another party of part or all of the risk held by the deposit insurer.
Resolution: The disposition plan for a failed institution.
Resolution Costs: For a given resolution method, the sum of the expenditures and obligations incurred, including any immediate or long- term obligations and any direct or contingent liabilities for future payment, net of recoveries
on assets of the failed bank.
Risk Minimizer/Risk Manager: A deposit insurer with the powers to reduce the risks it faces. These powers may include the ability to control entry and exit from the deposit insurance system, assess and manage its own risks and may conduct examinations of banks, or request such examinations.
Set-off: Refers to situations where the claim of a creditor in an insolvent bank (for example, a deposit) is deducted from a claim of the bank against the creditor (for example, a loan).
Situational analysis: An examination that policymakers undertake to assess factors such as: the state of the economy; current monetary and fiscal policies; the state and structure of the banking system; public attitudes and expectations; the state of the legal, prudential regulatory and supervisory; accounting and disclosure regimes.
Start-up Funding: The fund received by a newly established deposit insurance system by initial contributions from banks, government, and/or the central bank.
Strategic Planning: The process of developing and setting the strategic direction and actions to accomplish the vision and goals of an organisation.
Subordinated Debt: A debt instrument that ranks lower than another instrument in the priority of its claim on the issuer’s assets.
Subrogation: The process where a deposit insurer is substituted as the claimant for the insured deposits paid by a
deposit insurer.
Supervisory discipline: It requires that banks are monitored for safety and soundness as well as compliance issues and that corrective actions are taken promptly, including the closure of a bank when necessary.
Suspense account: A suspense account is used when not enough information is available to post a transaction with the right offset. For example, dividends and interest are paid to a trust account on their payable date even if all of the money from depositors and paying agents is not received on time.
Systemic risk: A risk that has implications for the general health of the financial system and can have serious adverse implications for financial stability and overall economic conditions.
Target Ratio: The level for the deposit insurance fund expressed as a percentage of total or insured deposits.
Termination of Deposit Insurance: The right of a deposit insurer to terminate the status as an insured institution if it doesn’t meet some specific qualifications set by the insurer.
Too Big to Fail: The practice of protecting uninsured depositors, creditors, and others from loss when large banks fail in order to prevent from the occurrence of a systemic risk.
Uninsured Deposit: Types of deposits that are not covered by a deposit insurance system.
Voluntary System: A deposit insurance system that a targeted institution has the right to decide to participate in as a member.
Withheld Deposits: Deposits that are temporarily suspended to be paid by the deposit insurer due to lack of enough information. See also “Suspense Account”.
Working Capital: the current funds available to administer the deposit insurance function.
Workout: The making of special repayment arrangements in light of likely or actual default on a loan
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Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
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